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Abc Open Face Chinese Poker Android

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Abc Open Face Chinese Poker Android

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Open-Face Chinese Poker with 2-7 in the Middle — a.k.a. '2-7 OFC' or 'Deuce Pineapple' — is a turn-based card game that is played heads up, or sometimes three-handed. Players take turns, drawing cards and placing them into three separate poker hands. Each of these hands is played face up, meaning that players can see all of the cards that have been played, and these cards can't be moved between each player's three poker hands once they have been placed.

The 'Deuce' designation means that the middle poker hand is played according to the rankings used in 2-7 lowball, while the other two hands are played as regular 'high' poker hands. The game might sound complicated, but it really isn't.


The objective of 2-7 Open-Face Chinese is to place 13 cards into three hands: a five-card bottom hand, a five-card middle hand, and a three-card top hand.

As noted, the game plays just like high-only Pineapple OFC, except with the middle played as a 2-7 lowball hand. This means that your bottom hand is a regular five-card poker hand (with flushes, straight and full houses), the top hand is a three-card high hand (including pairs, trips, but no three-card straights or flushes), while the middle hand must contain five low cards with no pairs, no straights, and no flushes. The lower these cards the better.

Taking Turns and Discarding

The game is called Open-Face Chinese Poker (or OFC for short) because you're building these three hands face up a few cards at a time.

As with all Open-Face games, you start by getting dealt five cards and place them all. On subsequent turns (following the procedure used in Pineapple OFC), you get three cards face down and place two of them in any of the available rows (bottom, middle or top).

The unused card then gets discarded face down. Discards are out of play, and not shuffled back into the deck, and your opponents are not allowed to see your discards. Therefore there are only enough cards in a deck to play Deuce Pineapple OFC either heads-up or three-handed.

Fantasyland and 'Super Fantasyland'

If you make a qualifying hand with kings or better up top, or a wheel — — in the middle, then on the next hand you enter Fantasyland. Just like in high-only Pineapple OFC, in Fantasyland you get 14 cards right away and set 13 of them into three rows face down while discarding one. Your opponents then play out their hands normally, and the result is scored against your hand.

You can stay in Fantasyland, earning another round in this advantageous position, by making a big enough bonus. For Deuce Pineapple you need either trips (three of a kind) on top, a wheel low in the middle, or quads (four of a kind) or better on the bottom to remain in Fantasyland.

Meanwhile, in a twist from high-only Pineapple OFC, you can also earn a 15-card 'Super Fantasyland' round by qualifying for Fantasyland twice in the same normal hand. Here, for example, the player qualifies for Super Fantasyland by making both aces on top and a wheel in the middle:

This double-bonus is rare, but well worth it. If you stay in Fantasyland, 'Super' or otherwise, you get a normal 14-card Fantasyland hand.

Qualification and Scoring

To make a qualifying hand, your top hand must be no better (as a normal poker hand) than your bottom hand. And your middle low hand must be at least a ten-low, meaning that your biggest card is no higher than a ten without a pair, a straight, or a flush. As with other Chinese Poker variants, a disqualified or 'fouled' hand automatically loses every row.

The three rows are scored against your opponent with the winner of each row getting +1 point. If you win all three rows, this also results in a +3 scoop bonus. In addition to winning, scooping, and possible Fantasyland qualification, you also get points for any bonuses earned by a qualifying hand, even if that hand loses the row.

Bonuses for the bottom hand start with a straight, the low middle hand with a nine-low, and the top row with a pair of sixes. Full bonuses are listed here:


There you have it. Welcome to Open-Face Chinese Poker with 2-7 in the Middle — or 'Deuce Pineapple' — now available at TonyBet Poker.

OFC rules have been contributed by Nikolai Yakovenko. Known as 'Googles,' Yakovenko is originally from Moscow, Russia and is now a poker player and software developer residing in Brooklyn, New York. Yakovenko has made both World Series of Poker and World Poker Tour final tables. Meanwhile after several years at Google New York working on ranking algorithms, he's been developing independent software projects ever since. He also helped create the ABC Open-Face Chinese Poker iPhone App. You can follow Yakovenko on Twittter at @ivan_bezdomny.

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The popularity of open-face Chinese poker has exploded during the past few years, with tens of thousands of players logging into their favourite Chinese poker app daily and playing against friends, family members and complete strangers.

Before open-face Chinese poker rose to prominence, fans of the game had limited choice of mobile Chinese poker apps. These days, with the game being hugely popular, fans of the game can head to the Apple App Store or the Google Play store and choose from a plethora of Chinese poker apps for both iPhone and Android-powered devices.

Many of these Chinese poker apps lay claim to being the best Chinese poker app for iPhone or Android; however, there is one undisputed king of them all — TonyBet Poker. Below is a look at the seven best apps for Chinese poker aficionados.

1. TonyBet Poker

TonyBet Poker launched in December 2013 and became an instant hit thanks to it being the only global site dedicated to real-money open-face Chinese poker games online. Available for Windows-based PCs, Mac, and both Android and iPhone, TonyBet Poker is the place to be if you want to test your skills in cash games, sit-and-go and multi-table tournaments and do so for actual money.

Several Chinese poker variants are offered at TonyBet Poker, including classic, pineapple, 2-7 pineapple and progressive pineapple. Cash game stakes start as low as €0.02 per point and increase to a massive €100 per point if you have the bankroll for it, with tournaments ranging from €1 to €100.

You can play TonyBet Poker on the move thanks to its fantastic Chinese Poker app. iPhone users can download the software either by scanning a QR code on the TonyBet site, or by heading to the Apple App Store. If you want the TonyBet Chinese Poker app Android edition, you can scan a QR code on the TonyBet Poker site or download the software directly from the site.

2. Open Face Chinese Poker by Pocket Cowboys

Remember earlier in the article when we mentioned that mobile Chinese poker apps were few and far between in the beginning? One of the originals apps was Open Face Chinese Poker by Pocket Cowboys and it is still up there with best apps.

The app is simple, yet does the job perfectly and even offers an offline mode for the times you don't have internet access. To gain access to this Chinese poker app, Android users can head to the Google Play store or the Apple AppStore.

3. ABC Open Face Chinese Poker with Pineapple by PokerPoker LLC

ABC Open Face Chinese Poker with Pineapple is quite comprehensive and, as the name suggest, features the pineapple variant of Chinese poker. It is another app that has been around for quite some time and has been updated on numerous occasions.

The main gripe we have is that the app is iPhone only, and doesn't feature Android support at present.

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.4 Open Face Chinese Poker by MWSGames

While number three on our list only supports Apple devices, the opposite is true of MWSGames' Open Face Chinese Poker app. Android users should enjoy it's simple, clear design, and the fact you can play online against other, versus friends on the same device or even a both in offline mode.

The main drawbacks of this app are it isn't as popular as the previously mentioned apps, so finding games against fellow humans can prove a frustrating task, and the bot isn't the strongest competition.

5. Open Face Chinese Poker with Pineapple and Wild Cards by Corvid Apps

The great thing about this Chinese poker app, iPhone and Android users can play against each other across platforms. The worst thing? It costs £4.49 ($6.50) in the Apple App Store, which is much more expensive than some of the paid-for apps, and obviously infinitely more expensive that the free-to-play apps.

The app itself runs smoothly, looks clean and has a cool feature where you can shake your device to sort your cards.

6. Open-face Chinese Poker by The Golden Club

This Android-only Chinese poker app would be ranked higher had the number of users been higher. Those of you who love statistics and rankings will enjoy this app because it has a number of statistics available as well as leaderboards.

The lack of iPhone support marks it down, as does the less-than-pleasing color scheme that won't be to everyone's taste.

7. Oye Pineapple Poker by Oye Games Ltd

Oye Pineapple Poker promises 'heart-pounding tournaments' and 'online real-time games around the world' but the traffic is very low when compared to other poker Chinese poker apps.

Both the Chinese poker app Android and iPhone versions have nice graphics, with the app's biggest downfall being the in-app purchases of chips that are required to play the games.

In summary, none of the mobile Chinese poker apps come close to beating that offered by TonyBet, which is the place to go if you want to play for real money and compete in some potentially huge online and live open-face Chinese poker tournaments. We'll see you in Fantasyland!

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Abc Open Face Chinese Poker Android Download

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